Technical and Creative Writing
Here are a few writing samples. The majority of the samples are technical writing: manuals, PowerPoint presentations and cheatsheets. One creative writing assignment (a screenplay) has also been included at the very end. Download and Enjoy!
LinkedIn Manual
I created a LinkedIn Training Manual and delivered this class at Twentynine Palms Marine Base for MCTOG (Marine Core Tactics and Operations Group). Unfortunately, 70 people were being laid off in May 2019 from the MCTOG department. I did a two hour long training to help them find other positions in government or contract work.
Linkedin PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint presentation that I created for the LinkedIn training that I did at 29 Palms Marine Base.
HTML/CSS PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint presenation I created for my HTML/CSS 4-day-long class. It touches on everything from the very basics to advanced responsive web design techniques.
Social Media Manual
I have created many itierations of this social media training manual. Unfortunately, with the way social media morphs every day/week/month, I generally have to update this manual every time I teach a class. Here is a version from November of 2019.
Excel Level 1 Cheatsheet
Cheatsheet with Excel keyboard shortcuts for Windows and the Macintosh. Information on Formulas, Functions, Absolute References and selection techniques.
Excel Level 2 Cheatsheet
Cheatsheet with Excel keyboard shortcuts for Windows and the Macintosh. Information on selection techniques and the IF Function.
Excel Level 3 Cheatsheet
Cheatsheet with Excel keyboard shortcuts for Windows and the Macintosh. Information on selection techniques, the IF Function, Arrays, Match Function, Index Function and Text Functions.
Excel Level 4 Cheatsheet
Cheatsheet with Excel keyboard shortcuts for Windows and the Macintosh. Information on selection techniques, Arrays, SUMIF Function, IF Functions, Match Function, Index Function and Text Functions.
FileMaker Level 1
Cheatsheet that covers FileMaker keyboard shortcuts for Windows and the Macintosh. Data entry and database searching techniques.
FileMaker Level 2
Cheatsheet for FileMaker keyboard shortcuts. Types of database relationships.
FileMaker Level 3
Cheatsheet for FileMaker keyboard shortcuts. Scripting and conditional formatting.
Word Cheatsheet
Keyboard shortcuts in MS Word for Windows and the Macintosh. Selection techniques.
PowerPoint Cheatsheet
Keyboard shortcuts in PowerPoint for Windows and the Macintosh. Selection techniques and Drag/Drop.
Play: The Lost Treasure of Jerusalem
In 2017, I was asked to write a play for our Vacation Bible School (Breakaway). I was tasked with tying together the following threads: the theme of 'Walk this Way,' following in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul and somehow tying this all in with a 'National Treasure' type of multi-city Treasure hunt. (Of course, I also threw in a little Indiana Jones and a smattering of some real Biblical history for good measure...) There were also plenty of tie-ins to our Bible Study curriculum for 'Breakaway: Walk this Way' which included the epistles of Paul. This play has 11 segments, each running between 5-10 minutes each.